Race Report- 2014 Gasparilla 5K
Could this be the year I brake a sub 20 minute 5K? If so, then I have a lot of work ahead of me! For this Tampa Bay area festival of road races I figured a sub 22 minute 5K was within reach; man was I wrong! I finished in 24:43. Only 2:44 seconds from being a sub 22 run. But, those are a hard 2:44 minutes to shave off!
I finished the first mile in just over 6:30 min/mile pace. Finished the second mile around 7 min/mile. The third mile was a disaster! Let’s just say I bonked out extremely bad! The third mile was ran at nearly a 10 min/mile pace. Overall, I still averaged a pace under 8 min/mile. I was kind of pissed at my time- I think I could have easily finished in 23 minutes. Only if I had better paced the first 2 miles.
As usual Gasparilla races are hot and the humidity this past weekend was killer! It also didn’t help that the 5K started at 9am! At the end of the day I can’t be upset with my time though- I haven’t really done any speed work towards that sub 20 minute 5K! Maybe one day.